College Workshops

with AlexiS White

Join me live on Zoom for a workshop where you'll gain comprehensive guidance on navigating college admissions process from start to finish. Just like with my private clients, I'll walk you through each step of the process, ensuring you have a clear understanding of how to effectively use crucial tools for college admissions.

Whether you're a student preparing to apply or a parent wanting to support your child through this process, these workshops are designed to demystify the college application process. Each workshop will have a Q&A segment where participants will be able to ask questions & receive advice, equipping you with the knowledge and confidence to complete your applications successfully.

Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to streamline your college application journey with me, the College Expert! Sign-up now for my upcoming workshops below!

Sign up Below for my Available Workshops

  • Common App Activities Workshop

    Tuesday, September 24th, 2024 at 5pm (PST)

    Designed to help students effectively showcase their extracurricular involvement and achievements on the Common Application.

  • Common App Essay Workshop

    Wednesday, September 25th, 2024 at 5pm (PST)

    This workshop will guide students through the process of crafting a compelling and effective personal statement for their college applications.

  • Master The Supplemental Essays Workshop

    Tuesday, October 1st, 2024 at 5pm (PST)

    The supplemental essay workshop is designed to help students craft compelling and authentic responses to college-specific prompts, particularly the "Why" essay.